June 8, 2009

Useful Treatment Definitions

Acupressure is form of therapy based on the framework of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Instead of using acupuncture needles to stimulate the body's acupoints, acupressure uses physical pressure applied by hand, elbow, or various devices to get similar therapeutic effects. The pressure applied to these key points removes blockages and promotes proper circulation of blood and Qi enhancing the body's natural healing abilities.
Acupuncture is a practice based on the theories of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Under this medical framework, illness is thought to stem from an imbalance or blockage of Qi within the body. With a deep understanding of these energetic systems, acupuncturists stimulate acupoints with thin sterile needles, physical pressure, and/or various other devices involving heat, light electricity, and lasers to promote healing. Acupuncture is often accompanied by Chinese herbal medicine and Tui Na massage techniques depending on the patients needs. Practitioners are trained and licensed by local and national regulatory organizations to ensure proper training and safety guidelines.
Alexander Technique consciously changes body posture to improve physical performance, prevent injury, promote ease and freedom of movement, and lessen stress on the body. It was developed by F.M. Alexander in the 1890's to alleviate throat and vocal cord distress.
Alternative Medical Physicians & Surgeons are board-certified medical doctors that utilize alternative treatments in their professional practice.
Aromatherapy is the practice of using volatile plant oils, including essential oils, for psychological and physical well-being. Essential oils which are the pure "essence" of a plant, have been found to provide both psychological and physical benefits when used correctly and safely.
Art Therapy involves the creation of art in order to increase awareness of self and others. This in turn may promote personal development, increase coping skills, and enhance cognitive function. It is based on personality theories, human development, psychology, family systems, and art education. Art therapists are trained in both art and psychological therapy.
Ayurveda or Ayurvedic medicine is an ancient system of health care developed on the Indian subcontinent. It is presently in daily use by millions of people in India, Nepal, Sri Lanka, and is becoming vastly popular in the rest of the world. Ayurveda roughly translates as the "knowledge of life", and improves health by creating physical, mental, social, and spiritual harmony in its patients. This form of medicine includes the use of herbs, nutritional guidance, panchakarma (a form of internal cleansing), acupressure massage, Yoga practice, and Jyotish (Vedic astrology).
Bioenergetics seeks to release the energy in tense or blocked areas of the body and alleviate chronic stresses and chronic muscular tensions.
Biofeedback is a treatment technique in which people are trained to improve their health by using signals from their own bodies. Physical therapists use biofeedback to help stroke victims regain movement in paralyzed muscles. Psychologists use it to help tense and anxious clients learn to relax. Specialists in many different fields use biofeedback to help their patients cope with pain.
Birth Doula assists during the labor process and works one-on-one to help a pregnant woman to avoid unnecessary interventions or Cesarean birth through education, knowledge of alternatives, and by facilitating a smooth, unimpeded labor.
Bodywork includes a wide variety of treatment styles that involve the use of touch to induce healing in patients. This category ranges from styles like Swedish and Deep Tissue Massage, to more subtle forms of soft tissue treatments like Polarity and CranioSacral Therapy, which use very gentle touch to bring the body's nervous system back into balance. The different forms of therapy in this category all bring different forms of relief and can all be of great benefit to the patient.
Breema Bodywork is practiced on a padded floor with the recipient fully clothed. A whole body treatment consists of an organized pattern of stretches, brushes and natural rhythms which dissolve rigidity and tension within the body. Additional benefits include an increase in vitality, relaxation, naturalness, presence, and clarity within the mind, emotions and body of the recipient. Breema's underlying 9 Principles of Harmony emphasize vitality rather than symptoms or illness.
Chair Massage is a type of bodywork that utilizes specially made massage chairs to provide treatment. Often known as "corporate massage" because of its convenience, this kind of therapist can quickly and easily set up on-site and is often incorporated into office wellness programs. This type of massage therapy is great for those who need a quick massage and helps relieve the pain and tension of working behind a desk. This kind of treatment is quick, convenient, rejuvenating, and leaves patients ready to take on the day!
Chi Healing. Chi or Qi Healing can be performed by a practitioner to a patient, or by practicing various forms of movement, breathing, visualization, and meditative exercises by which patients can also heal themselves. Since Qi is the basis of the body's natural healing ability, this form of treatment can heal illnesses ranging from the mundane to the miraculous. Much of this depends on the skill of the practitioner, the particular methods used, and the mental state of the person being treated.
Chiropractic is a form of treatment that improves overall health by manipulating the muscular-skeletal system and promoting proper nervous system function. It is thought that spinal dysfunction interferes with the nervous system leading to an array of potential health problems. Chiropractors find that a healthy spine is critical to overall well being and maintaining proper alignment is crucial. This is done with a process known as spinal adjustment, and practitioners may also adjust other aspects of the body back into balance.
Cognitive Behavior Therapy is a form of psychotherapy that emphasizes the substitution of desirable thinking patterns for maladaptive ones.
Colon Hydrotherapy also known as "colonic irrigation" is a safe and effective method for cleaning the colon (large intestine) of waste material with gentle flushings of water. This waste material can be composed of impacted feces, dead cellular tissue, accumulated mucous, parasites, worms, etc. This accumulation can cause the body to feel ill, tired, weak, constipated and can also have an adverse effects on nutrient absorption. By removing these blockages, colon hydro-therapists promote proper digestive function allowing patients to achieve greater health.
Cranio-Sacral Therapy (CST). This physiological system, including the membranes and cerebral spinal fluid surrounding the brain and spinal cord, often become restricted from injury, disease, stress, and, trauma leading to a wide array of bodily dysfunctions. This form of therapy works to release these restrictions, enhance central nervous system function and can alleviate illnesses including: spinal chord injuries, chronic fatigue, chronic neck and back pain, colic, learning disabilities, autism, migraine, dyslexia, stress and emotional difficulties.
Dance Therapy asserts that the state of the body has a positive or negative affect on our feelings. It seeks to help the patient uncover and express illness, injury, or emotional and physical trauma through movement, with a goal of integrating, confronting, and accepting these issues.
Deep Tissue Massage is a type of massage aimed at the deeper tissue structures of the muscle and fascia, also known as connective tissue. This type of bodywork uses more intense and focused pressure to release deep-seated muscle tension and adhesions, also known as "knots". While promoting better blood circulation, and stimulating proper tissue formation, this kind of massage can greatly increase muscle length, improve one's structural balance, and alleviate chronic joint and muscle pain.
Energy Healing comes in many forms. Healing arts such as Reiki, Qi Healing and Prana Healing, among many others, utilize knowledge of the body's subtle energy field to stimulate healing in patients. When this energy is imbalanced, bodily functions may become impaired and overtime, disease can appear. With various methods ranging from breathing techniques and symbolic imagery to focused intentions and visualizations, these energy healers bring patients back to balance. Energy-healing treatments are completely safe and always very beneficial for the person treated.
Feng Shui is the traditional Chinese art of creating balance and harmony in our surrounding environments. According to Feng Shui practitioners, the way we oriented objects in our lives have great influence on how things flow. With a complex series of rules and guidelines, Feng Shui consultants work to create environments that generate more abundance in life. Whether it's your home or workplace that needs guidance, Feng Shui is an integral part of your success and wellness.
Flower Essences. Dr. Edward Bach, a physician and homeopath, developed 38 flower essences from English flowers in the 1930s. His research indicates that flower essences balance discord between the body and the mind, which leads to physical illness and emotional distress.
Guided Imagery relies upon the patient's imagination to enhance or promote healing. The patient, often guided by a practitioner or tapes, involves all of the senses (imagining sights, sounds, tastes, smell and kinesthetic bodily sensations) to achieve specific health and life goals.
Hakomi is an experiential psychotherapy that combines the mindfulness and non-violence of Eastern spiritual traditions, within a unique, highly-effective Western methodology. Drawing from a wide range of sources, Hakomi has evolved into a complex, elegant and effective form of psychotherapy.
The Feldenkrais Method focuses on helping people to expand their range of motion and improve breathing and body alignment. The system uses more than 1000 different exercises to help the body reprogram the brain for better mind/body function.
Healing Touch is an energy-based, hands-on technique done to balance and align the human energy field. The technique is approved by the American Holistic Nurses Association. A very gentle technique, it is often used with those patients who cannot tolerate more direct physical contact.
Hellerwork is a gentle form of deep-tissue muscle therapy that emphasizes the importance of the body-mind connection. It was developed by Joseph Heller, an early student of Ida Rolf.
Herbal Medicine also known as medical herbalism, herbology, or medical botany is a medicinal practice based on the use of plants and plant extracts. Sometimes the scope of herbal medicine is extended to include fungi and bee products, as well as minerals, shells and certain animal parts. With a deep understanding of these various natural substances, as well as a complete understanding of the patients' symptoms and constitution, professional herbalists use various herbs to create balance within the patient's body. As this balance is restored, healing is stimulated and the patient regains health.
Holistic Dentistry, often referred to as Alternative or Biological Dentistry, uses a holistically restorative approach to oral care. They often emphasize the important relationship between the mouth and the rest of the body and avoid using toxic dental treatments in the restorative process. Using the latest biologically compatible materials and technologies, these dentists practice the safest and most natural form of dental care.
Holistic Nurses often receive training in compassion, self-care, massage, healing or therapeutic touch, and intuition in addition to their regular nursing practices.
Holistic Psychotherapy creates mental, emotional and spiritual health by creating awareness, balance and harmony in the way people interact with themselves, and the world around them. These practitioners use a wide array of methods to guide their patients in their behavior patterns, creating awareness while making their lives more empowering, manageable, and effective. Holistic Psychotherapists ultimately create an integration of mind, body, and spirit to bring health and wellness to their patients' lives.
Holistic Skin Care is effective in treating certain common skin conditions such as actinic, sun damaged, tired, and stressed out skin. A holistic skin care program, not only creates youthful radiant skin, but also has more extensive benefits of physical well-being. The anti-inflammatory benefits of a holistic program decrease body aches and pains, and create a more balanced emotional state.
Homeopathy is a form of medicine that treats illness through the administration of highly diluted herbs, animal substances, and chemical compounds given in the form of tinctures or infused sugar pellets. The theory behind homeopathy regards various substances (that would typically produce symptoms of an illness being treated) as therapeutic when used in minute doses. Homeopaths refer to this as the Law of Similarities, which is an underlying principle in this kind of treatment. With a strong understanding of these homeopathic substances and the patient's symptoms and constitution, homeopaths aim to bring patients back to balance and healing.
Hot Stone Massage is a specialty massage that uses smooth, heated stones during treatment. It is deeply soothing, relaxing, and helps tight muscles lengthen and release tension. This kind of massage generally uses the traditional strokes of Swedish massage while holding a heated stone. The therapist might also leave heated stones in specific points along your spine or in the palms of your hand to enhance the flow of energy throughout your body. Hot stone massage works to alleviate stress, promotes the release of toxins, improves circulation, and can be very beneficial for those suffering from various types of joint and muscle pain.
Hypnotherapy is form of therapy performed in a state of hypnosis. Clients are induced into this state of relaxed concentration, and heightened awareness under the guidance of the therapist who works to trigger the natural healing process residing in the client's subconscious. Hypnotherapists work with this natural phenomenon to suggest healing into the client's subconscious, whether mental or physical. This allows change to begin in the subconscious, which ultimately leads to changes in one's conscious actions.
Infant Massage, or Shantala massage, is an ancient Indian massage technique with a rhythmic character, given to massage babies and children. It was introduced into Western society by Dr. Frederique Leboyer, a French obstetrician.
Integrative Medicine is based on a physician-patient partnership in which both conventional and alternative modalities are used to stimulate the body's natural healing potential.
Iridology studies the irises of the eyes and interpret them seen as a map through which and observer can determine the health or weakness of the various systems of the body.
Kinesiologic Medicine studies muscles and their relation to movement, structural integrity, and overall health. When used in a clinical setting, it becomes an evaluation and treatment tool for restoring overall health balance to the body.
Life Coaching and Wellness Counseling. Life coaches and wellness counselors work to guide clients toward their maximum potential. Having varying directions of focus, these coaches and counselors can have specialties ranging from mental and physical health, to spiritual and financial wellness. For many people, having a coach by their side provides the guidance and motivation needed to create a more fulfilling life.
Lomi Lomi is a traditional form of theraputic massage rooted in the Polynesian culture. Having been further developed by the master healers of Hawaii, this kind of bodywork can have profound healing effects and is regarded for its ability to work deeply into muscles in a very gentle way. It often uses rhythmic flowing motions to nurture and relax the body allowing the release of deep seated fatigue, physical and emotional. One of the traditional Hawaiian philosophies underlying the practice of Lomi Lomi is the idea that everything seeks to find harmony and love. With this intention I mind, experienced Lomi practitioners work with love to bring patients back to a state of balance, harmony, and ultimately, health.
Lymphatic Drainage enhances the natural function of the body’s lymphatic system. The lymphatic system is like our waste treatment plant and is responsible for the removal of toxins, microorganisms, waste products, and other foreign substance from the body. This treatment uses light touch in specific regions of the body with precise technique to stimulate lymph drainage. This type of treatment can be effective in treating disorders including chronic fatigue syndrome, bronchitis, sinusitis, laryngitis, arthritis, acne, eczema, chronic pain, muscle spasms, constipation, and edema.
Macrobiotic Diet emphasizes eating proper varieties and proportions of foods to helps us achieve balance and harmony. Therefore, appropriate food choices depend on variables such as an individual's health, age, sex, geographic location, physical activity, ancestry, the season, etc. Theoretically, there are as many definitions of a macrobiotic diet as there are people practicing it.
Massage Therapy improves circulation by bringing oxygen and other nutrients to body tissues. It relieves muscle tension and pain, increases flexibility and mobility, and helps clear lactic acid and other waste, which reduces pain and stiffness in muscles and joints. Massage therapists use long, smooth strokes, kneading and other movements focused on superficial layers of muscle using massage oil or lotion.
Medical Intuitives, often born with natural gifts and clairvoyant abilities, can intuitively identify illness by scanning the body for energy blockages and imbalances that are linked with illness. Many medical intuitives work with, or are board certified medical doctors. Although most intuitives work like human MRI's to detect and diagnose disease, some have been known to heal illness with their natural abilities. People seeking the services of medical intuitives should always do so in addition to the care of their primary care physician.
Medical Massage is orientation rather than a particular set of techniques. It is not general relaxation massage; it is anatomically precise and patient specific. The medical massage therapist combines education, training, experience and intuition to create an integrative manual-therapy approach to reducing the patient's soft-tissue related complaints.
Meditation practices involve training the mind to focus on an awareness of the present moment and may involve concentrating on one's own breathing, a single sound, or various forms of imagery and visualization. In a therapeutic setting, groups of people are guided through meditations. In this meditative state, the body experiences a profound state of relaxation and healing.
Midwifery practitioners are experts in normal birth and are recognized throughout the world as the most appropriate maternity care provider for most women. The responsibilities of a midwife span from the beginning of a patient's childbearing cycle to well after the delivery of the patient's baby.
Myofascial Release is a treatment technique utilizing sustained pressure to the body's fascial system, which can become tight and restrictive from past trauma, repetitive stress injuries, and/or prolonged poor posture. In this unhealthy state, the fascia can be the source of tension, pain, restricted movement, and an array of other disorders stemming from the body's inability to deal with stress. This form of treatment can be beneficial to those suffering from various types of chronic pain, carpal tunnel syndrome, vertigo/dizziness, fibromyalgia, headache, TMJ dysfunction, and plantar fascitis amongst many others.
Naprapathic Medicine is theoretically rooted in the Czech word "naprapravit" (to correct) and the Greek word "pathos" (suffering). The Naprapathic treatment method "corrects suffering" through manual manipulation of inelastic connective tissue which may be irritating the nervous system and causing pain.
Naturopathy is a form of alternative medicine, which believes that the body has the natural capacity to heal itself from disease. Naturopaths utilize various methods against illness by treating patients holistically, stimulating a person's inherent mind, body, and spirit in the most non-invasive way. Naturopathic treatments can include lifestyle guidance, manual therapy, hydrotherapy, herbal medicine, acupuncture, aromatherapy, environmental medicine, and homeopathy.
Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) helps people detect and reprogram unconscious patterns of thought and behavior in order to alter psychological responses and enhance the healing process.
Neuromuscular Therapy is a very specialized form of bodywork that focuses on the relationship between the central nervous system and the body's system of soft tissues (muscles, tendons, and connective tissues). Injury, trauma, stress, and poor posture cause nerve transmissions to speed up beyond equilibrium often leading to pain and dysfunction. Neuromuscular Therapy is very beneficial for those suffering from various types of chronic pain, muscle spasms, muscle tension, and can greatly enhance one overall state of health.
Nutritional Therapy focuses on eating or eliminating particular foods, vitamins, and nutrients for therapeutic benefit. Food is one of the fundamental building blocks of life and eating well is a necessary foundation for good health. Diet and nutrition therapists provide the guidance and motivation necessary for patients to live well and find good health.
On-Site Massage refers to the mobility of the practicing therapist. Rather that treating patients at a spa or clinic, on-site massage therapists are mobile and can set up wherever requested, as long as the location is appropriate for the particular treatment. Though many on-site massage therapists practice chair massage, any kind of treatment may be provided depending on the qualifications of the mobile therapist.
Ortho-Bionomy, often referred to as the homeopathy of bodywork, is a unique system of painless body therapy developed by Dr. Arthur Lincoln Pauls, a British osteopath. Ortho-Bionomy is designed to facilitate pain relief as well as physical and emotional balance. The real work in Ortho-Bionomy is achieved by the body's own self-corrective reflexes. The releases are accompanied by realignment and re-education of muscles, nerves and tissue.
Osteopathic Medicine is holistic approach to treating illness that embraces the practices of conventional (allopathic) medicine. But, it is the philosophy that distinguishes osteopathy. Osteopaths regard the body as an integrated unit rather than a collection of separate parts. They believe that a healthy musculoskeletal system is central to the health of the whole body, and that the body has the natural ability to heal itself. Osteopaths utilize treatments that manipulate the muscles, bones, and joints, toward proper alignment to treat a variety of ailments. This kind of doctors also places particular emphasis on prevention, along with treatment of illness.
Pilates is a form of exercise, developed by Joseph Pilates, which emphasizes the balanced development of the body through core strength , flexibility, and awareness in order to support efficient, graceful movement.
Polarity Therapy is a synthesis of ancient Eastern traditions and modern alternative health care methods based on the concept of the human energy field. Using touch, verbal interaction, exercise, nutrition and other methods, Practitioners of Polarity Therapy seek to balance and restore the natural flow of energy, which flows from the universe and into the body through the meridians, chakras, and endocrine glands. Polarity therapists unblock and balance the nervous system which allows a release of stress and permits the body to relax and heal itself naturally. The result is increased energy and vitality.
Pranic Healing. Qi, Ki, Chi, and Prana are the various names that have been given to the human body's "life force energy." Though its existence has historically been dismissed by science, modern research has, and continues to reveal the true nature of this subtle yet potent energy. Known by some as "bioelectricity," this subtle energy is a key component of physiological function and if it is dysfunctional, illness will be present. Qi healing can be performed by a practitioner to a patient, or by practicing various forms of movement, breathing, visualization, and meditative exercises by which patients can also heal themselves. Since Qi is the basis of the body's natural healing ability, this form of treatment can heal illnesses ranging from the mundane to the miraculous. Much of this depends on the skill of the practitioner, the particular methods used, and the mental state of the person being treated.
Prenatal/Pregnancy Massage, also called pre-natal massage, is a form of therapy based around an expectant mother's needs. Because of a mother's needs during pregnancy, she must be properly positioned and supported during the massage. Using various pillows and padding, prenatal massage therapists emphasize proper positioning to ensure comfort and safety for the mother and baby. Pregnancy massage has been found to reduce stress, decrease swelling in the arms and legs, and relieve aches and pains in muscles and joints.
Qi Gong is a Chinese restorative art based on the cultivation of Qi. This subtle yet powerful energy permeates everything in the universe, and is critical to proper physiological function in the body. Qi Gong is practiced in many different styles, and various forms include the integration of physical postures, breathing techniques, and focused intentions. Many styles also utilize gentle rhythmic movements and visualization techniques. With these various practices, Qi can be increased, balanced, circulated, emitted to others, and/or used to cleanse and heal the body. This practice can have a remarkable effect on the maintenance of health and for the treatment of existing illnesses.
Quantum-Touch is an energy healing modality that applies the principles of resonance and entrainment to facilitate healing. Practitioners learn to focus and amplify life-force energy by combining various breathing and body awareness exercises. When the practitioner resonates at a high frequency, the client often entrains to, or matches, the higher frequency, thereby facilitating healing using the body's biological intelligence. Life-force energy affects matter on the quantum, subatomic level and works its way up through atoms, molecules, cells, tissues, and structure.
Reflexology is a form of massage usually applied on the hands, feet, or ears. Its a form of treatment rooted in ancient techniques used by various cultures that found correlations between these body parts and the rest of the body. Certain reflex zones on the hands, feet, and ears, have been found to have an influence on other portions of the body when stimulated with physical pressure. Though often prescribed as a complement to standard medical care, reflexology massage can be very beneficial to those suffering from migraine, stress, back pain, arthritis, digestive disorders, and sleep disorders.
Reiki is a form of treatment technique used as a complementary therapy for the treatment of physical, emotional, and mental illnesses. This practice is based around the understanding that life is supported by an unseen, life-force energy (Ki). When this energy is low, one is likely to become ill. Practitioners use this life force energy channeled through their hands to bring about relaxation and healing to the patient. Reiki healing has been widely known to have positive (sometimes miraculous) effects in treating virtually every known illness and is always beneficial to the patient being treated.
The Rosen Method was developed by Marion Rosen and emphasizes simplicity. The practitioner contacts contracted muscles and matches the muscle tension. The practitioner follows changes in the client's breathing as a means of guiding the client's inner process. The work can bring up buried feelings and memories, and can be a tool for pain relief and personal growth.
Rubenfeld Synergy Method (RSM) Practitioners use a light touch to release physical tensions while talking to clients and verbally encouraging them to explore the emotional and psychological roots of these tensions. This method integrates elements of Alexander, Feldenkrais, Gestalt and hypnotherapy into a body-mind therapy that helps clients contact and release energy blocks, tensions and imbalances.
SHEN is a hands-on technique for energy work or touch therapy. Practitioners seek to enable a normal energy flow through the body by using light hand placements. Practitioners do a non-manipulative laying on of hands to assist the biofield (or aura) in returning to its normal flow through the body and releases deeply held or suppressed emotions.
Shiatsu is treatment technique that utilizes massage in a more medically oriented manner. Often seen as the Japanese version of Chinese acupressure, Shiatsu practitioners will first assess their patients to get an understanding of where their energy (Qi-Life Force Energy) imbalance may be. With their foundational knowledge of the energy pathways (meridians) running throughout the human body, the practitioner treats the patient with various massage, breathing, and joint manipulation techniques to leave the patient in a balanced state of healing. Shiatsu massage treats common ailments such as anxiety, depression, stiffness, arthritis, nausea, headaches, cramps, or pulled muscles.
Sound Healing involves a few different types of treatment. A common form of sound healing is ultrasound therapy. Often used by physical therapists and chiropractors, this treatment uses machines that emit high or low frequency sound ways that penetrate in to the body creating heat and circulation, deep inside the effect tissue. Another sound healing techniques is sonopuncture, a modern form of therapy based in part on the theories of Traditional Chinese Medicine and theories concerning the harmonic properties of our solar system and the universe at large. This modality utilizes knowledge of the body's energy pathways and uses sound in the form of specialized tuning forks, Tibetan bowls, and other forms of finely tuned sound waves to stimulate patients' natural healing abilities. Though the term "sonopuncture" may imply a form of physical puncture, this form of sound healing does not actually penetrate the skin with anything but sound waves.
Spa Therapy includes thermal baths, drinking mineral water, showers, underwater massage, aromatheraphy, physiotherapy, relaxation therapy, skin care and more.
Spiritual Healing, which is not to be confused with spiritualism, uses a holistic approach, helping a person to return to the harmony of body, mind and spirit. The channeling of energies by the healer re-energizes the patient to deal with illness or injury. Healing often helps with the speed and extent of recovery from serious illness and major surgery and from the effects of treatments such as chemotherapy and radiation therapy. It complements allopathic and alternative medicine.
Sports Massage is a specific type of bodywork typically used before, during, and after athletic events. This type of treatment incorporates various massage and stretching techniques to stretch and warm muscles allowing for peak athletic performance. During and after athletic events, sports massage is used to alleviate fatigue, reduce swelling, release muscle tension, and allows for more rapid recovery.
Structural Integration (Rolfing) bodywork is a system of connective tissue manipulation based on the theory that rebalancing and realigning the body with the earth's gravitational force results in more energy, increased breathing capacity, and alleviation of chronic pain. It was founded by Dr. Ida P. Rolf.
Swedish Massage is a form of bodywork that incorporates a unique variety of techniques that aims to relax and rejuvenate tense muscles. Generally a more gentle form of massage, Swedish Massage flushes the tissues of lactic acid, uric acid, and other metabolic wastes to increase circulation while rejuvenating and soothing the nervous system. This kind of massage sooth both physical and emotional stress and is often integrated into a regular health maintenance regime.
Tai Chi / Martial Arts. Tai Chi is a Chinese system of physical exercises that is believed to facilitate the flow of Qi (life force) in the body, promoting good health and vitality. Tai Chi utilizes movements that are Yin Yang opposites: softness and strength, forward and backwards, action and calm. Tai chi has been used as part of treatments for back problems, ulcers and stress. The Martial Arts are perhaps best known as means of self-defense, but they are also used to improve physical fitness and promote mental and spiritual development. The highly disciplined movements of martial arts are thought to unite body and mind and bring balance to an individual's life. "External" methods (such as Karate and Judo) stress endurance and muscular strength, while "internal" methods (such as Tai Chi and Aikido) stress relaxation and control.
Thai Massage, often known as Thai Yoga Massage, this form of bodywork incorporates passive stretching and gentle pressure along energy channels to bring patients back to a balanced state. During Thai Massage sessions, patients often feel like they are doing yoga without any effort as the therapist stretches and manipulates their bodies into various restorative postures. This type of therapy can alleviate joint pain, stiffness, muscle tension, and stress, leading to an overall higher level of health and well-being.
The Feldenkrais Method focuses on helping people to expand their range of motion and improve breathing and body alignment. The system uses more than 1000 different exercises to help the body reprogram the brain for better mind/body function.
Tibetan Medicine defines three main physiological systems, which control all the body's processes: Wind, Bile and Phlegm. A disturbance in one or a combination of these three principle systems results in illness. The disturbance can come from diet, behavior or environmental factors. The manner in which these factors can result in illness will depend on the acute or chronic nature of the problem in an individual patient.
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is a medical practice that has been used for thousands of years. It is based on theories concerning the interrelatedness of the human body and the various elements of nature. In the TCM framework, all physiological functions within the human body are interrelated and connected with the natural environment. When the elements of the body are in disharmony, dysfunction and illness can occur. Within TCM also lies a profound understanding of Qi and its various pathways within the human body. This form of medicine utilizes any combination of acupuncture, acupressure, moxibustion, Chinese herbal remedies, Tui Na massage, nutritional/lifestyle advice, and Qi Gong to bring patients back to a state of health.
Trager or Tragerwork seeks to unblock neuromuscular patterns that inhibit the body's natural, free-flowing motion. Dr. Milton Trager, M.D., developed his own system of bodywork which emphasizes gentle rocking and rolling of the client to encourage release and loosening and softening.
Trigger Point Therapy is a massage technique that utilizes physical pressure to alleviate painful knotted tissue. These knotted trigger points can vary in severity ranging from local pain, to pain that shoots to other parts of the body when pressed. Stemming from past trauma, poor posture, and/or overexertion, these trigger points can cause chronic pain and are believed to be a major cause of stiff joints and restricted range of motion. When treated with trigger point massage, circulation in the tissue is greatly increased, joint mobility is restored, and patients are usually relieved of pain and tension.
Tui Na is a form of medical massage therapy based on the principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Much like Acupuncture, Tui Na utilizes various diagnosis techniques and an extensive knowledge of the body's energy (qi) pathways to bring patients back to a balanced state of health. But rather than using needles, this kind of practitioner uses their hands in various ways to enhances one's natural healing ability. Chinese Tui Na Massage can be very beneficial for people suffering from various types of chronic pain, hypertension, and a wide variety of disorders stemming from internal organ dysfunction.
Yoga works to harmonize mind and body using various postures and breathing techniques. This allows the body to be strong yet supple, well structured but with maximum range of motion. It trains the mind to focus on the breath, it's ultimate source of life. The art of Yoga teaches its practitioners to stimulate their own healing abilities, allowing the body to find harmony and health. Yoga is taught in a variety of ways. Because everyone's body is different, one will probably find certain styles that tend to resonate more with their needs.
Zero Balancing practitioners use hands-on touch to balance the body's internal energy currents with such structural elements as bones, muscles, organs, and joints. Developed by Fritz Smith, MD, osteopath, Rolfer and acupuncturist, Zero Balancing integrates a Western anatomical view of structure with Eastern concepts of body energy.

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